My Vision for Mexico Church builders is to impact the country of Mexico's Youth. I want to make sure everyone including the children and youth hear the truth about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Churches in Mexico are small one room buildings built with love & hope that the Gospel will reach the masses of Mexico under there tin roofs or outdoor pavilions, there are many mission trips that American churches make hoping to make a difference in the effectiveness of these small buildings & some of these Churches get a new coat of paint or some donated sound equipment, however the space is still limited. My vision is to add onto these existing church buildings so that the children can have there own bible teachings and adults can worship & learn while their children are learning about Jesus in a way that is understandable to them. Some churches are not
complete or they have not even been started at all, maybe the cost to finish the building was too High or the pastor is
discouraged because the funds to build are short, so that village is still waiting for a place to worship. I hope to build a wonderful place of worship for these people so patiently waiting for a place to learn & worship Jesus. How am I going do this? I am in the process of raising funds for a portable block machine to make all the block to Build with, this is a big majority of the building costs and will take allot of the strain off of these village churches to build or add on. The neat thing about this machine is that it uses the dirt right there on site to make brick & can make up to 150 an hour. We will furnish all the blocks the church will furnish all the man power. This machine is a new way to build ,it is quicker and cheaper. Read all about this amazing machine that could change thousands of lives at . When visiting the web site you can reference the machine that will help accomplish this & it is the NEW T-150. In Conclusion I would like to say that I am not a great speaker and I don't pastor a
church, or have a degree in theology, however I have a big heart for the lost people of this world and Jesus has put
upon my heart this
vision & with Building experience & mechanical
experience that I do have I will do more than build churches I will with the help of Jesus build people. These are a few of the ministry's I am currently involved with ; #1 I am involved with 4 orphanages #2 I do several feeding programs. #3 Several times a year I take visiting churches from America on short term Mission trips on out reaches around the area. #4 At Christmas time I take presents to the village kids which are about 200 to 250 kids in number. How do we do this? Donations from You the Churches and the good people of America. I need your HELP!! & especially need your prayers and your financial help to make this
vision a reality. These
villages across Mexico are in
desperate need of a centerpiece to there community a church building a place of worship a place where hopes are dealt out to
hopeless children & parents. About $5.00 a week, 80 cents a day or 1 cup of coffee a day just look inside of your self and see if you can do it ? Any help will do. Just think if everyone gave just one dollar this will get done.